Sunscreen Bug Spray

by Jill Radabaugh on June 21, 2010

Every year when our youngest Darling Daughter goes to camp, I repeat the words, “Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Bug Spray, Bug Spray, Bug Spray.”  She grew up going to camp every summer, and now she is on staff at the wonderful, Christian camp, all girls, (except one boys week), with horses, waterfront, crafts, etc.  She just got home from week one, and only had a couple of small patches of sunburn, and two, small, bug bitten areas.  Oh, and some scrapes.  Now, I am aware that she spent one night sleeping in a tent, so I can only surmise, that she is pretty much heeding my chronic advice.  Cool!

How are you doing with the sunscreen this summer?  Oh, and Happy Summer, by the way!   Our family physician, states that the sun today is many times more dangerous than when I was a little girl.  I have many family members, dealing with the cancerous results of this fact.  My dermatologist says that the best way to slow down the skin’s aging process, is with sunscreen.  So whether I am appealing to your concern for your health, or your desire for youthfulness, please apply your sunscreen every day.  As an esthetician, and according to all I’ve read, here’s the scoop:

After applying facial moisturizer, and before foundation or makeup, apply a facial sunscreen, spf 15, each day.  If your moisturizer or foundation has spf 15 in it, I don’t believe that is quite sufficient if you plan to be under the sun’s rays at all that day.  You can purchase a facial spf 15 at any drug store or department store.

Use spf 15 or higher on your body as well.  It takes the sunscreen a bit to be affective, so make sure you apply it inside, at least 15 minutes before going out into the sun.  If you will be outside for a number of hours, you will need to reapply your sunscreen (outside is fine) every hour or two, or after being in the water.

So, have a fantastic summer, free of sunburn, and use that bug spray to avoid those nasty mosquito bites at night.



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